OE 3025
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The ideal tool for both simulating a signal from a sensor and also for actuating the element to be controlled.
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Bar code 3700461494550
Introduction The ideal tool for both simulating a signal from a sensor and also for actuating the element to be controlled.
Text This sensor simulator will help you in your diagnostics, it will avoid systematically replacing the probes.
Thanks to the simulator mode, the probe is disconnected and the device is placed.
It will simulate the probe signal. The technician will then look on his diagram and see if a value is present.
1. if yes: the signal is passing = the probe is to be questioned.
2. if not: the signal does not pass = there is therefore a beam or computer problem and not a probe problem. The diagnosis is therefore very quick.
3. The signal can also pass but be corrupted (corrosion in the connectors).

The product is mainly used for wiring tests. The device can simulate the signal.
You can simulate most sensors, injectors or actuators as ABS, O2, EGR, etc.
Specifications Specifications:
This device is used to simulate:
- resilience
- tension
- sinusoidal wave
- square wave
- temperature coefficient sensors
- butterfly and pedal sensors
- oxygen sensors or in test mode
By the time you have replaced two unnecessary sensors, the device is profitable.
Warranty period 2 years
Tariff code Tariff Normal (TN)
Warranty Procedure DIAGNOSTIC