AC 4221
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This device is an accurate thermo-hygrometer allowing relative air humidity and the surrounding temperature to be measured. Its energy consumption is low, and it is endowed with a safe functioning, data-hold function, spare-part, maximum and minimum memory, reset of maximal/minimal temperature... and has several other functions. This parameter is vitally important in the field of meteorology, air-conditioning, many industries and leisure activities, as well as for the drying of the painting or any chemicals which can differ according to air humidity rate.
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Bar code 3700461410796
Introduction This device is an accurate thermo-hygrometer allowing relative air humidity and the surrounding temperature to be measured. Its energy consumption is low, and it is endowed with a safe functioning, data-hold function, spare-part, maximum and minimum memory, reset of maximal/minimal temperature... and has several other functions.
This parameter is vitally important in the field of meteorology, air-conditioning, many industries and leisure activities, as well as for the drying of the painting or any chemicals which can differ according to air humidity rate.
Specifications Specifications:
- lCD screen
- measurement range:
Temperature: 0°C/+50°C (32°F/122°F)
Relative air humidity: 0%/100%
- sampling fraction: 1 time/second
- response time:
Measurement of the relative air humidity: approximately 4 seconds
Temperature measurement: 5/30 seconds
- battery: 4x1.5V, AA or equivalent
- working Temperature Range: 0°C/+50°C
- data-Hold Temperature Range: -10°C/+60°C
- low Battery Indicator on the screen
Warranty period 2 years
More Powered by battery
Length (mm) 230.00 mm
Width 84.00 mm
Height 43.00 mm
Tariff code Tariff Normal (TN)
Warranty Procedure EASY

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