OM 0450
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For repairing worn or damaged threading. Inserts in stainless steel, highly resistant to breaking, corrosion and temperature. Box made up of inserts from M5 to M12, helical drills, taps, assembly tools and tang breakers.
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Item name M5-M12 INSERT SET
Bar code 3700461422263
Introduction For repairing worn or damaged threading.
Inserts in stainless steel, highly resistant to breaking, corrosion and temperature.
Box made up of inserts from M5 to M12, helical drills, taps, assembly tools and tang breakers.
Contents Contents:
- helical drills
- taps
- assembly tools
- tang breakers
- 12 inserts M5x0.8
(OM0452: 25 inserts)
- 12 inserts M6x1
(OM0453: 25 inserts)
- 12 inserts M8x1.25
(OM0454: 25 inserts)
- 12 inserts M10x1.50
(OM0455: 25 inserts)
- 12 inserts M12x1.75
(OM0456: 10 inserts)
Warranty period No warranty (consumable)
Tariff code Tariff Normal (TN)
Warranty Procedure NO

has as After sales service & consumables

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